

狗脖子上的那个带子,叫做项圈(neck collar)或者脖圈(neck band)。 它是一类牵引带的统称。 在美国兽医协会的网站上,是这样介绍项圈的: Neck collars are the most commonly used dog training aids in some countries. These devices have a strap that goes around your pet’s neck and another piece of rope or chain that passes through an adjustable loop at one end to go over your dog's head, then under his/her chin, then back up behind their neck to connect with the other end of the strap on your side, which is held in place by a buckle. (The end without a buckle must be longer than the end you use when putting it on, so that the collar fits comfortably; if not, it will chafe!) When not in use, this collar should hang down below your dog's elbows. Neck collars are adjustable for appropriate size. Collars can also be made with short或long leashes to allow more control by the handler. In general, these types of collars are very safe provided proper care is taken in their use. However, they can cause injury if not worn correctly because if your dog suddenly pulls away from you while wearing such a collar, he could jerk out of reach both the rope or chain connecting him to you as well as the buckle which keeps hold of the part of the collar behind him. Neck collars may also restrict breathing or make dogs feel uncomfortable. If there is any chance that your dog will be unable to breathe easily using this device, contact your veterinarian before using it. Neck collars come in all kinds of materials, shapes, sizes, colors——and prices! Some dogs seem to like them, others find them uncomfortable or even frightening. The decision whether to purchase one depends entirely upon your dog and its response to various training situations. Your vet can help determine what type might work best for you and your dog.

在中文网上搜“项圈”可以找到很多关于使用项圈的帖子了,我就不抄过来了。这里重点说一下为什么要用项圈,什么情况下该用什么项圈吧。 我个人认为如果不用项圈,而改用皮带的话会更容易造成狗狗脱缰。因为皮带有可能会滑出牵引环,而且皮带会缠绕到狗狗脚上,导致它们在跑的时候很难挣脱。但是,如果你一定要用皮带,那么在购买时千万要买有防滑功能的牵引环哦~




我家小柴,在第一次出去玩的时候没有上牵引绳,我直接牵了他回来 第二次出去玩的时候有想上牵引绳的意思 第三次出门就有意识的不让摸手了(因为不乐意被套绳子)然后自己把狗绳缠在手上拉了回去 第四次出门就把他带回了家 这几天出门都会主动要求牵他的狗绳,但是还是会在路上乱跑,而且会拽着手往回走 第五天出去了就没有那么兴奋了,乖乖的跟着我们回家,第六出去的时候就不愿意跑了,还自己找地方坐下了 第七次出门的时候看到我就扑过来要抱要亲亲,但是不会冲着我叫和咬我了 第八次去他家的时候终于肯让我摸摸头了!好开心哦~ 小家伙现在很喜欢玩球球,每天在家里各种疯跑 希望他能喜欢自己的新玩具吧~~
