首先,要搞清楚为什么要训练狗? 训狗的目的是为了让狗更好地为人类服务!而不是用残酷的手段使唤、虐待狗!
1.让狗知道主人是它的唯一衣食父母; 2.让它学会听从主人的命令和禁止; 3.让狗明白哪些行为是错的,会遭到惩罚或者奖励 4.如何与陌生人和其他狗相处等等…… 这些都需要通过正确的训练方式才能达到效果。当然,有些方法可能不是特别有效甚至会产生反作用。所以我们需要找到最适合我们自己和自己狗的方法来进行训练了~ 其实说多了就是一句话,“赏罚分明”!
一.训练步骤: 1.准备工具:狗链、狗粮(零食)、玩具等....
2.开始训练: a) 当狗狗对你摇尾或朝你走来时,不要理它! b) 把食物放在手中,叫它的名字,当它过来闻你的手时,立刻把手中的东西给它吃(注意不要用手拿着食物靠近狗狗嘴哦这样它容易咬手) c) 当它吃完后请称赞它并轻轻抚摸它以示鼓励 d) 重复多次直至它知道你手中的食物是用来给它吃的而非拿来逗弄耍它为止 e) 如果此时它想要跳起来去抢你手上的食物那么请及时阻止它并且大声呵斥它 f) 再给一次机会看看是否有好转情况如有好转请及时奖励它 g) 在喂食前后各带它散散步活动一下身体 h) 小狗狗一般都比较喜欢咬玩具玩,所以你可以给它买一些玩具来转移注意力,比如球、磨牙棒之类的.... i) 慢慢得减少每次给它食物的量增加次数 j) 最后一步:在无人情况下进行练习
二.训练注意事项: 1.当狗表现良好时及时给予奖励; 2.不可操之过急,循序渐进; 3.不可轻易改变对狗的奖励或处罚措施;否则会影响效果; 4.如果小狗犯了错一定要及时纠正它,不要让它以为这种行为会得到奖励反而越犯越严重!
5.奖惩必须及时且明确,不能随意更改奖惩条件。 一句话总结:赏罚分明——奖励=爱抚+赞美+零食/玩具 惩罚=低声喝斥+轻打屁屁+没收零食/玩具
三.常用口令: 以下这些都是非常常用的词语哦一定要学会啦~
1、坐下 Sit down : 坐好 Sit up straight!
2、趴下 Lie down (lie on your belly, lie flat on the ground): 趴下,趴着别动 Keep still while you're lying down(on your back with your stomach toward me or head toward me if laying down on your stomach, this is called "tummy to tails") 趴好后,我数到三你就起立 When I count “three”, get up.
3、握手 Handshake 伸出手来 Give me your hand! /Hand! 伸出一只前爪来 Let out one paw, please!
4、站住 Don’t move Stand where you are and stay there. If we don't tell you anything else then just wait for us to come over to you when we want you to move.
5、走 Walk! Go away. 向前步走 Go forward, step by step. 向后走走 Backup Please go backwards little by little.
6、跑 Run, run! Go ahead! 快跑 Fast running! 停下来 Stop it right now! 你真笨 You silly dog, look at that cat. It's not going to eat you so stop following it around like a lunatic all the time.
7、过来 Here, here! Come here. 过来这边 Over here, my friend. Come meet them both. 过去那边 Go over there. There's something interesting happening in front of the house. 跟着我 Here I am. Follow along close behind as I guide you through life, the good times, the bad times! We will walk together forever more until death do we part. 跟我学 Look what Daddy did. How does he do that? Can you do that too?
8、不许动 Stay! Wherever you happen to be standing, do NOT move from wherever place I have placed you now except when asked otherwise. 不要乱动 Be still! No moving unless told to do so.