这个问题比较广泛.... 首先说,世界上狗的种类有很多很多种,从体型上来说有大型犬、中型犬和小型犬之分; 从被人类驯化的历史来说分有原始犬、牧羊犬、狩猎犬、工作犬、玩赏犬等五大类(这个划分是德国兽医遗传学专家维尔德博士根据动物的外形特征所划分的) 在世界养犬协会组织的统计中把世界上的狗分为1467个品种,其中中国占538个品种而居首位!
一、小型犬 1、贵宾Poodle 贵宾犬也称“贵妇犬”,又称“卷毛狗”,在德国几乎人人都有养贵宾犬。贵宾犬可以分为标准型、迷你型、玩具型三种。它们拥有柔软、浓密的被毛,眼睛颜色很丰富,耳朵位置高,胸部深度适中,身高与体型的比例为9:10或稍长。贵宾犬性格活泼开朗,聪明机智,善解人意。因此,它深受人们的喜爱并成为最受欢迎的宠物犬之一。 2、京巴Jingba Jingba also known as "Chinese lion dog", is native to China, the oldest and the most stable breed of domestic dogs in China with a history of more than two thousand years. In appearance like an adult lion, hence its name 'Lion Dog' or Chinese Lion dog. With wrinkled skin on head and neck, short snout nose, wide-set eyes and erect ears; they have thick fur covering entire body except feet and tail end which has little hairs or no hair at all (called 'drafting tail'). The typical color for this breed is white——sometimes with black nose, mouth and eye patches, but any other colors are permitted by standard. They were mainly kept inside house before and usually trained not to bite people, so that it became good friends together with humans. As time goes by, though some bad traits appeared such as aggression towards strangers, they remained kind temperament toward their masters, making them perfect family pets even today. Nowadays, due to lack of breeding efforts, only few purebred ones can be seen around while many of these lovely dogs are mixed blood. 京巴是中国古老的小型犬,被誉为“中国国宝”。头似狮子,故俗称“狮狗”。头部皱纹深且多,两眼间有眉,耳小尾短,卷毛,全身披毛紧密,除四肢脚尾外,周身皆长毛,毛色以纯白者居多,亦有用其他异色者,如黑者、黄者及黑白相杂者。京巴的性情温顺,聪明伶俐,对人热情,易于训练,颇得主人的宠爱。由于长期关在室内,很少外出溜达,故较少受外界干扰,保持其纯真的天性,不具恶性,不会吠叫,但主人呼唤即会跑过来,对陌生人也不会攻击。由于京巴犬具有各种优良的特性,因而深受人们喜爱,但它现已濒临绝迹,亟待拯救保护! 3、沙皮狗Sharp-eyed Dog 中国四大名犬之一。头部粗大,嘴皮下垂,形似沙丘,故名沙皮狗。皮肤皱褶似蛇皮,因而又有“蛇皮狗”之称。体躯矮长,肌肉发达,骨骼粗壮,头大嘴短,牙齿锋利。皮毛粗硬如沙,毛色以棕黄色为主,也有少许白色斑纹。性情温和,忠实听话,易饲养管理,耐热不耐寒,喜吃肉类。因体形独特,性格温顺而颇受欢迎,但其体质较差,易患皮肤病,故饲养时应注意环境清洁,避免刺激。 4、西施Xishi The Xishi,also called Shanghai dog or Shanghaiese poodle originated from China.