

首先,很高兴回答你的问题 先说一下本人情况,本人非专业养狗人士,在西班牙留学期间偶然买到一只小黑狗,据说是纯血的西班牙獒(Porcelana Spaniel)但是据我后来的了解应该叫卡斯泰尔沃(Castellano)是西班牙本土最大的一个亚种,现在国内比较常见的有红色和黑黄色两种色 后来,机缘巧合之下,认识了国内一位玩狗大佬,通过他认识了很多国内的犬业圈内的人,也通过他们了解到很多以前不了解的知识,同时也加入一些组织,混迹于各种爱狗人士之间,慢慢学到很多东西并接触更多品种的犬类。

因为个人爱好,也有过繁殖犬只的打算,所以曾经系统的学习过犬类遗传基因知识、免疫知识等等,并在实际操作中运用过。在这里想说的是不管任何血统的犬,一定要科学饲养、合理繁殖,才能确保将它们的优点最大化、缺点最小化 以下正题 说到杜高,不能不从它的祖先葡萄牙獒(Portuguese Mastiff)说起,它是如今西班牙獒的两个主要来源之一。另外一个是意大利獒(Italian Mastiff)。

这两种獒曾经都是罗马帝国的战斗犬,负责看守家园,保护庄园以及猎杀野生动物。由于当时社会动荡不安,经常发生战乱,于是这两种狗就开始四处流浪,并逐渐往西迁移最后来到了西班牙。到了现代,这两种狗都在西班牙得到了严格的管理和良好的繁育,从而有了现在的西班牙獒(Spaingn Mastiff) 那么什么是卡斯泰尔沃呢?它其实是指具有西班牙原产地血统并且经过适当培育的本地品种(local breed),也就是说虽然他的祖父母可能来自葡萄牙或意大利,但只要他的父母是土生土长的西班牙犬,并且他/她生长在西班牙,它就是卡斯泰尔沃。反之,如果一只西班牙犬的父母一方或者祖方来自其他国家,尽管它在西班牙出生并长大,但如果不是纯血西班牙品种,就不能算是卡斯泰尔沃了。举个栗子: 小明从小跟着妈妈在美国长大,爸爸是来自中国的大熊猫,那么小明虽然是“外国血统”,但他是纯粹的美国物种CUSLER,属于“美国杂交品种”(MIXED BRED),而不是亚洲杂交品种(ASIAN BRED)。所以即使他和大熊猫妈妈一样萌,也不能改变他是卡斯泰尔沃的事实。

说了这么多血系的问题,可能有些专业性太强,对于普通爱好者来说可能看不明白,也不管用。这里要说的一点是,无论你购买的是纯血的卡斯泰尔沃还是带有其他血统的混血卡斯泰尔沃,只要好好培养,它们都会是你忠实的伴侣 关于如何挑选一只理想的犬,怎样判断是否健康等等,欢迎关注我们!


Caballo de San Francisco (圣夫雷迪)

Chuqui Criollo (查库科罗沃)

Paso del Norte Grande

Ramon Zulueta's Bloodline(拉蒙胡里塔的血统)

Zulueta's bloodline is a purebred line bred in the late seventies by Dr. Ramon "El Toro" Zulueta (from Uruguay), an American-trained veterinarian who started with his own homebred dogs of Uruguayan breed but he was famous for having imported and trained all kind of fighting bull breeds from Spain to compete internationally at the highest level of sporting bullfighting competitions, as well as participating at prestigious rodeos around the world. He opened his first kennel outside Montevideo in 1978. In addition to being known as one of the best fighters of bulls ever, El Torro was also considered among the top trainers/breeders of dogs in America and Europe until mid 1980’S when it all fell apart after he got deported out of France due to alleged financial irregularities that were uncovered during inspections on his French breeding operation in Chateauneuf-du-Pont, Paris area – back then this was like the most sophisticated European stud farm you could think about.

In short time these dogs came into high demand amongst hunters across North America and South America because they had exceptional nose work abilities along with outstanding athleticism and temperament making them not only good hunting companion animals but also great herding, guarding and even search & rescue pets as well. As far as I know there are no registered dogs under the name “San Francisco” or any other name related with those three words anymore. You can get direct contact info through your local breeder though so call him up if interested...

The following are some photos taken by myself while attending the annual Dog Show held annually somewhere deep down south near New Orleans where we saw many beautiful headshots lined up side by side showing off their impressive physical appearance, stamina, agility, courage…etc ! We took our own dogs along just to have some fun with them too since we live nearby.
